Yakitori-Sauce Was Ist Das?

Yakitori Soße (jap.: 焼き鳥のたれ; yakitori no tare) ist eine japanische Soße, die aus Sojasoße, süßem Reiswein, Sake, Zucker und verschiedenen Gewürzen, eventuell auch aus etwas Knoblauch und Ingwer, zubereitet wird.

What is yakitori sauce?

Yakitori is a traditional Japanese dish that is added to a bamboo skewer and then grilled over a charcoal grill. The Yakitori Sauce is perfect for thin strips of chicken, as well as skewered pork belly. We use the Big Green Egg for the grilling, and it works very well!

Where can I get yakitori in Japan?

TRADITIONAL JAPANESE RECIPE: If you live in Japan and would like Yakitori at home for dinner, you may certainly make it; however, you can also easily get it at many places there. Chicken butcher shops often have Yakitori to-go that is grilled right at a little corner of the shop.

How do you store yakitori sauce?

Cover, and store in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it. Yakitori is a traditional Japanese dish that is added to a bamboo skewer and then grilled over a charcoal grill. The Yakitori Sauce is perfect for thin strips of chicken, as well as skewered pork belly.
